What is it:
- It is (or it is going to be) a Karaoke simulator for the Gnome
environment running over Linux;
- It uses (and depend on) Timidity to play the Midi instruments.
This avoids the need of a Midi hardware in the soundboard (hello Ensonic
- In development (alfa). Hello developers, help is welcome!
What is already working:
- It is playing .KAR and .MID files;
- It shows the lyrics in the window;
- Can change the music through a file dialog.
What is not working:
- If the lyric frase is too big to the window you can't see it;
- Pause, rewind, forward in the music;
- Keep a catalog of the musics recently played and the musics available
in the system.
Developers mailing list:
- Fabio Ferrari (fabio at floripa.com.br)
- 0.1 - First release. Prototype.
- 0.2 - Ported to the Gnome 2. Now with a preferences dialog.